Farmer’s Market Liberia

Today’s video is at the Liberia Farmer’s Market, which occurs on Thursday’s and Friday’s. Liberia is a large town in Costa Rica, and the Capital City of the Province of Guanacaste. If you’re visiting Costa Rica for a vacation or a tour of the country, there’s a good change you’ll pick the Liberia Airport to begin your adventure. 

Check out our Shop Page for stuff you can use for your trip. 

Liberia is a great place to pick up your essentials for your trip. With large stores like Walmart, Pequeno Mundo and Pricemart – you’ll find everything you need to have a great vacation.

Many towns in Costa Rica will feature a local farmers market. Liberia is no exception, and will often have many farmers and vendors to check out. To find the Market, you’ll head to the north side of Liberia. If you take the Inter American Hwy, stay on the local road rather than the highway bypass. When you arrive at ‘Trans 8’ you’ll turn right on this side road. This intersection has the local police station which is very identifiable.

Grand Rose Entrance

After about 200 meters, and then see the rose colored grand entrance to the fair grounds. You can park on the side of the road, there will usually be a gentleman who will watch your car and assist with getting back on the road. You can pay these parking watchers about 1000-2000 colones for their services if you please.

In addition to all the great foods, you’ll also likely see some vendors with clothes, cosmetics and essential oils. Most vendors will only deal in cash, so it’s good to bring enough and small bills. To withdrawal cash using my credit card, I go to the local bank called BN(“Banco Nacional”). I’ve never had an issue taking out local currency at this state bank.

Pick up a pair of these awesome water shoes. I've been using them all over Costa Rica during my travels. They have vented soles so water drains right out the bottom! Great for going to the beach and walking through town, or exploring rivers.

Fresh & Vibrant Food

Most vendors have various fruits and vegetables. Many will have various roots, oranges and pineapples. Some of the vendors will carry unique fruits like rambutan and water apples. There are also guanabana & zapote available, which I have seen on less occasions.

You can expect to pay a few dollars for a very large amount of most of the foods. It’s a great opportunity to stock up on a weekly basis with your fresh foods directly from the farmers.

zapote fruit costa rica
Zapote Fruit Fresh From The Farmer

A Weekly Adventure

If you’re staying in Guanacaste for an extended period, the farmer’s market is worth visiting every week. It’s easiest to get there by car, but there are bus services that head to Liberia from all the surrounding towns. 

If you’re visiting for a short time, stop by on a Thursday or Friday while you visit Liberia to sample some of the great fruits and vegetables.

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If you're heading out for an adventure, you're going to need some cold watch and snacks. Pick up a backpack cooler, which has ample room for what you'll need while you enjoy the beach. There is an added benefit of freeing up your hands to carry the fun stuff!

Invest In Guanacaste

Visit El Coco Properties for awesome investment opportunities in paradise! With increasing tourism and vacationers landing in Liberia Airport every year, it’s the perfect time to check out Playas del Coco and the surrounding area.